Back by popular demand and a request from the chief investigating officer of cold case files department."Well Letsby we seem to be making very little progress at the moment ,I don't like too many unsolved murders in my in tray," said chief I.M.A . Stickler. as was written on his office door. "Well sir I was going to have a word with The Archbishop of Canterbury because it concerns a religious nutter , sorry I mean religious matter ,must be politically correct these days," replied Letsby," but the Bish. seems a little bit busy at the moment trying to figure out how he can introduce Shari law into christianity without ruffling too many feathers." I see" said IMA, "well as Kipling said If you can keep your head when all those around you are losing theirs you'll be a man my son." Replying, Letsby thought for a moment and said,"Well yes I can see it would be a problem ,I have even heard that in some Muslim countries for adultary you not only lose your head but your spectacles as well." " You did say spectacles didn't you?" said IMA.
IMA carried on trying to move things along , "Anyway this banter is getting us nowhere fast our concern at the moment centres on the unexplained dead body in the Kingdumb Hall , I know there are tons of the unexplained during a Witness gathering but this is more serious as I have been told that it reflecets badly on Jehovah's organisation." Sir you are beginning to sound like one of them." said Lets. "No I'm one of those! ,well they have been knocking on my door every saturday morning what do you expect? came back the impatient retort.Letsby was now told to make haste to Lambeth Palace and as there were no spare squad cars and no trains running due to track maintanance by Network Rail for the next fifty years, he would have to go by police horse . Letsby's brain started ticking over fast,I know what I'll do, I will get two horses which will include one for the police woman who helped me get my truncheon swinging in the the prescribed manner as set out in the police manual and she did say being mounted was preferable to walking the beat anyday.So off he shot excitedly to the mounted division stabling dept to get saddled up.
End of part whatever it is, to be continued ,if you can take more, when I come back from holiday in a weeks time.